Designers create outfits to be displayed during our live fashion show. Consider venturing into a jungle full of vibrant colors, unique textures, ornate patterns, sustainable materials, and animal prints. Feel free to experiment with makeup, headpieces, and accessories; your outfit is only half the runway design! 


• Textures (faux furs, scales, metallic)

• Vibrant colors

• Cuts/Patterns

• Raw edges

• Sustainable materials

• Animal prints

• Unconventional structure 

• Flora and fauna 

• Makeup and headpieces

• Natural materials 

• Dimension 



What do I need to know about this category?


Friday, February 28, 2025 (5pm): You must have your piece done and your artist statement submitted (more details about this to come).

Thursday, March 6, 2025 (lunch period): Event Dress Rehearsal

Sunday, March 16, 2025 (12pm-9pm): Event date

You will also submit a progress report, including images and sketches of your content progression, on the first date of every month.

  • You can choose your model, but we can also pair you with an available one!

  • Because this is a Marlborough-affiliated event, please consider inclusive and appropriate dress when designing your outfit.

  • We encourage you to meet with your model early on and make sure they are comfortable with your design!

Email for any questions.